Contact For Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier

Attention International Courier Service Shipper, Consignee, Courier Agents: For free Consultancy for International Courier Service in Bangladesh or worldwide Please contact Yakub Call/Whats App/We Chat +88 01880000016

Thursday 10 August 2017

Bangladesh Hong Kong Special Courier Rates

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Bangladesh Hong Kong Special Courier Rate
0.5 4.5 375
0.5 5.25 425
1 7.00 575
1.5 8.75 725
2 10.50 875
2.5 12.25 1025
3 14.00 1175
3.5 15.75 1325
4 17.50 1475
4.5 19.25 1625
5 21.00 1775

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier Google Search

If we do a Google Search with Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier, then we get one of our google site in search result.

Conveyor Uni Express offers the best lowest and cheapest rate for Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier.

Pls contact SMS/Whats App: 8801880000016

Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier Google Site
Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier Google Site

Conveyor Uni Express Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier

Conveyor Uni Express offers the best lowest and cheapest rate for Bangladesh Hong Kong Courier.

To send documents or samples from Dhaka to Hong Kong or from Hong Kong to Dhaka at the best price
Pls contact SMS/Whats App: 8801880000016